Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The company ESSENCE BEAUTY, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 890991224, whose head office is located 10 rue des Violetes – 78750 Mareil-Marly


Company Name : Essence Beauty
Legal form : Sole proprietorship
Head office : 10 rue des violets, 78750 Mareil-Marly
Siret number : 890 991 224
Publication director : Ingrid Byron
Host: Shopify
Intellectual property :
All content of the site, such as texts, images, videos, etc. are the property of Essence Beauty.
Collection of personal data:
Personal data is processed in accordance with our confidentiality policy.
Cookies :
Our site uses cookies.
See our cookies policy for more information.
Responsibility :
Essence Beauty cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of our site.
Applicable right :
These legal notices are governed by the laws in force in the sale of cosmetic products.